The Bessemer Hall of History Museum along with the Birmingham African American Genealogy Group has created a photo display of unknown African Americans who lived in the West Jefferson County area. This collection of photographs was part of the Philip Graf, Sr. collection; he was owner of Graf’s Studio in Bessemer. We have been working on this collection for five years. Stop by and see if you can identify any of these people in this historic photo display. The exhibit will be on display thru the end of March.


From left to right, Wanda Looney from BAAGG, BHHM Board Members William Eiland, Rebecca Rainey – back row, Russell Roubdioux and Curator Christopher Eiland. Not pictured Allison Rainey Display Chairman, and Museum President Shirley Butler.

 The Bessemer Hall of History Museum will be CLOSED Friday Nov. 1 and Saturday Nov. 2. Please join us at Pleasant Hill Methodist Church in McCalla for the Alabama Folk Fair and Craft Show.



Please enjoy our fall 2024 newsletter. Our 2024 Folk Fair and Craft Show will be on Friday November 1 and Saturday November 2. See the details on page 2 of the Newsletter. Please come join us on those days at Pleasant Hill Methodist Church.




Announcing the return of the Alabama Folk Fair Craft Show on November 1 - 2, 2024. The location will be Pleasant Hill Methodist Church Family Life Center in McCalla, Alabama. See flyer for information.